Monday, April 5, 2010

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Little History on Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera - the medicinal values of this wonderful herb have been known for centuries. A 3500 year old document (Papyrus Ebers) at the Leipzig University describes Aloe and it's values as a medicine.

Medicinal applications were made by Dioscorides 2000 years ago for healing wounds, insomnia, ulcers, hemorrhoids, itching, skin care,blemishes, mouth and gum diseases and the loss of hair.

The Chinese were recorded to have used Aloe between 772 and
842 on eczematous rashes and again between 960 and 1276
it was used for the treatment of eczema.

The use of Aloe was noted by W. Turner in 1568 and by
J.R. Coxe in 1818 for the use of healing wounds. These are
described in the publications of Herbal and The Dispensatory of
the United States of America respectively.

Jamaicans are said to relieve headaches with Aloe. Spanish
missionaries frequently carried it with them upon visiting the sick. Seminole Indians applied Aloe to incisions after surgery.

Mexican Indians used it for all sorts of stomach and intestinal
disorders, longevity, bladder and kidney infections and also for
prostatitis. The prevention of scars from wounds and the
improvement of the scalp and growth of hair have been the reason for the use of Aloe in Java.

Survivors of the A-Bomb blast in Japan tell of the use of Aloe to
treat radiation burns. This in truth prompted the Los Alamos
Scientific Laboratory for the United States Atomic Energy
Commission to test Aloe Vera on radiation burns. The results
showed complete healing in two months as compared to the
untreated area which was still not completely healed after four months.

Contributed by Wen Cong

Forever yours,


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

永久魚油膠囊 『重金屬及有機化合物』檢測報告


故永久公司委託第三獨立實驗室(third party)--『台灣檢驗科技-超微量工業安全實驗室(SGS Taiwan Ltd.)』進行永久魚油膠囊的檢測。


產品名稱:永久魚油膠囊(Arctic-Sea Super Omega-3)
產品型號:60 softgel/bottle



1. 美國原裝進口
2. 重金屬檢測合格
3. 不用有機溶劑萃取,並經檢驗合格
4. 純度佳
5. 成份完整:含EPA、DHA、維生素E及油酸

Updates from Forever Living Products Taiwan

Contributed by Jasmine

Forever Yours

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